Art / Calligraphy / Site Specific / Installation / Street Art / Murals
Said Dokins
“Often my work is in constant tension between wild and organic writing and the order of structure, between the legible and the indecipherable, between the visible and the hidden, between the inscription and its erasure”
Said Dokins is a Mexican contemporary artist interested in the displacement of the linguistic sign and its multiple aesthetic possibilities in relation to context and history. His work shakes the language to look at what is underneath its mechanisms for the construction of meaning. Whether on large walls in public space or through installations and sculptures on various supports -which even include the transience of light, with ephemeral pieces suspended in the air, legible only by capturing time- his work creates semantic universes where words are malleable and letters defy alphabetic limitations to weave warps of meaning that link urban space with moments, people, worlds…
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Programa formativo de arte urbano
¡No te pierdas la oportunidad de escuchar a grandes artistas como Libre Gutiérrez, Citlali del Rocío Morán Ramos, Said Dokins y Tania Cacomixtle, moderados por Martha Latapi! Evento abierto al público.
افتتاح ملتقى الشارقة للخط – الدورة الحادية عشرة
افتتاح ملتقى الشارقة للخط – الدورة الحادية عشرة – Said Dokins
يسر دائرة الثقافة – إدارة الشؤون الثقافية دعوتكم لحضور حفل افتتاح ملتقى الشارقة للخط في دورته الحادية عشرة، تحت رعاية صاحب السمو الشيخ الدكتور سلطان بن محمد الق …
ESCRITURAS EXPANDIDAS – Conversatorio con Said Dokins en el Colegio de San Ildefonso
¿Qué es la escritura expandida? La escritura expandida implica la extensión del ámbito escritural hacia nuevas prácticas artísticas, empleando medios
Type: Ink on 300 g Cotton Paper
Size: 70 x 50 Centimeters
Year: 2019
Signed by the artist
All inks come with their personal certificate signed and dated by the artist.